Lo Specchio

Come prima , come sempre
... It’s time to grow up

Come prima, come sempre
Si torna all’antico. Stesso razzismo im-plicito se non mascherato: la “vecchia” classe politica di Vaughan batte dove il dente duole: qualsiasi, anche un incom-petente, basta che non sia italiano.
Questa volta, lo spunto e’ dato dalla farsa che, oggi, si fa’ passare per consiglio co-munale di Vaughan. E’ vero e’ giunto il momento di fare pulizia.
Certi ambienti pero’ vorrebbero anche fare pulizia “etnica”. L’attacco alla collettivita’ italiana, ed ai politici d’origine italiana e’ espresso, questa volta, nella persona del capo della polizia provinciale Julian Fantino.
A certi ambienti, Fantino non va’ proprio giu’....
Il timore che egli possa presentarsi can-didato a sindaco di Vaughan, nelle prossime amministrative ha fatto scattare l’allarme*.
Suoi presunti “limiti” lo renderebbero inadatto a rilanciare il benessere politico di Vaughan.
Si pone anche in dubbio la sua correttezza civica e, le sue reali capacita’ di guida delle forze di polizia provinciali. Si considerano alquanto isteriche e bizzarre alcune sue proposte anti-crimine.
Insomma, per sindaco di Vaughan, meglio qualsiasi altra persona ... anche una di “scarsa esperienza politica” purche’ non sia italiana. Come una volta.
Certa gente dovrebbe diventare adulta. E’ ora.


(* l’editoriale del Georgina Advocate)

per leggere l'editoriale clicca qui

QUESTO il nostro commento...


We agree. It's time to clean up Vaughan politics.
That doesn't include political "ethnic cleansing".
It's time to start afresh. Yes.
Let us begin by not resurrecting decades old xenophobic philosophies. It is truly embarrassing to see brought back to life the ghosts of "anybody but an Italian, even if of limited political experience" (2003) or not letting "Woodbridge" decide the election (1988)
A word comes to mind: hypocrisy.
What was the one overriding quality that, according to the newspaper of record of the Gta, made Linda Jackson the preferred choice for Mayor of Vaughan? .... Oh yes, genetic lineage --she is the daughter of the rightly so, legendary mayor Lorna Jackson.
We are not suggesting that the traditional Anglo-Saxon economic-political elite operate through a well-oiled back-room-boys connection. Connection has such a distasteful smell; after all, the "upper Canada" buffet is not some Mediterranean olive grove.....
And, we are not implying that all of "English" Canada likes to have its cake and eat it too: all by itself.
Yes. It is time for change in Vaughan.
So, please, explain to us once more what's wrong with Julian Fantino, if he decides to enter the race for Mayor of Vaughan. Besides the fact he's of Italian origin ...
If the clarion call is out for capable "serious-minded people of unquestioned integrity" to step up to the plate and save Vaughan politics, then, we humbly suggest, we should start with honesty of intent. Honesty of commitment to the well being of Vaughan.
Vaughan will be the great city we all want it to be, only when we approach politics without pitifully half-hidden self-serving agendas.
If we clamour for honest, competent, capable, intelligent political leaders for Vaughan, then, perhaps, we should start by applying the same standards to our critique.
It rings hollow and self-serving to proclaim the presumption of innocence for Ms. Jackson, in the matter of the 68 charges under the Municipal Elections Act and then dismiss Mr. Fantino as a viable candidate for Mayor of Vaughan because "... as Opp Commissioner, Mr. Fantino is involved in a weird court battle ... amid allegations that Mr. Fantino himself abused his power and acted unlawfully".
So "his track record to date doesn't necessarily hold out the promise of ... the new beginning that Vaughan needs".
What track record?
The official one: Chief of police in London, Region of York and Toronto; Commissioner of Ontario Emergency Service, Opp Commissioner ... Or,
the "alleged" one?
Ultimately, the issue is not Fantino.
"Rather", the implied.
Yes, Vaughan deserves better.




1 maggio 2009